
SoCal Eye – Pterygium Specialists in Long Beach

In Southern California, Pterygium or Surfer’s Eye is a common eye condition that occurs in up to 15 percent of the population and is a result of our perfect climate and love of the outdoors.  SoCal Eye Ophthalmology are Pterygium Specialists in Long Beach, Huntington Beach and Garden Grove. Schedule an Appointment today at LAKEWOOD (562) 531-2020  | LOS ALAMITOS (562) 598-7728  or send us an Online Consultation Request

What is Pterygium?

A pterygium (pronounced “te-RI-jee-um”) is a non-cancerous growth of the clear, thin tissue that covers the white part of the eye (conjunctiva). Commonly known as “surfer’s eye” (and “carnocidad,” in Spanish), pterygia typically occur towards the nose and may involve one or both eyes.

Pterygium Causes & Risk Factors:

Pterygium is sometimes called “surfer’s eye,” though it can occur in anyone who spends time in the sun, including landscapers, boaters, house painters, construction workers and coaches. It is most common in people who spend a lot of time outdoors and risk factors include exposure to sunny, dusty, sandy, or windblown areas. Pterygium is rare in children. Some simple precautions like wearing sunglasses that block 100 percent of UVA and UVB rays or a wide-brimmed hat can reduce reduce risks significantly.

Pterygium Symptoms & Detection:


The primary symptoms of a pterygium are minor irritation and redness. It will usually present as a painless area of elevated white tissue, with blood vessels on the inner or outer edge of the cornea. Most growths pose only an appearance problem. Rarely, a pterygium can grow large enough to block the line of vision.


A physical examination of the eyes and eyelids confirms the diagnosis. The pterygium is carefully measured and recorded in order to determine if it is growing. Special tests are usually not necessary.


No treatment is required unless the pterygium begins to block vision or is documented to be growing. In these instances, it should be removed with surgery. Wearing protective glasses and a hat with a brim can prevent progression and keep the pterygium from returning after removal. People diagnosed with Pterygium should be seen by an ophthalmologist each year, so that the condition can be treated before it affects vision.

SoCal Eye Consultation:

The key to success with Treatment for Pterygium is Early Detection.  If it can be caught early through a Comprehensive Eye Exam, the progression of the disease can be reversed.  SoCal Eye doctors are the Pterygium Specialists in Long Beach. Schedule an Appointment today at  LAKEWOOD (562) 531-2020   |   LOS ALAMITOS (562) 598-7728 or send us an Online Consultation Request

Schedule a Consultation Today!

Call us at the numbers below or schedule online:

(562) 531-2020

(562) 598-7728

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